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Meet the Princess of Charity

PRINCESS REVILLA (Princess Bautista-Ocampo in real life), with son Anton, during a recent feeding program and gift-giving in Bacoor under the auspices of the Azucena Mortel  Bautista Memorial Foundation.

It is well appointed house, furnishings and décor done in good taste and sophistication, the atmosphere relaxing to one’s moods. Outside the yard and punctuated by fine landscaping, well manicured  garden and cheery green that seems to day “welcome”. On sits down on a comfortable sofa, pencil and pen in hands  surveying the living room, taking note of the paintings and the various art objects, that a house with artistic mistress Is sure to feature.

                She goes down the stairs and gives one a smile that suggests a longstanding friendship although this is to be a first meeting. One is struck by the absence of make-up and the simplicity of her dress, the total effect being one of naturalness and candor. Yet there she stand: Full, lovely, overpowering.

                It is mid-afternoon but she is the paradigm of cool as she makes the welcome amenities and bids one to sit. She has melliflows voice( and the discovers later, an infectious laugh), a soulful pair of eyes, an insolent nose and a full, knowing mouth. She is an advocate of candor and frankness in life. Nothing in her views on the foundation that she put up in the memory of her beloved mother, Dona Azucena Mortel Bautista, the questions below solicited her  views on the objectives of the Azucena Mortel Bautista Memorial Foundation.

        Q: What are your plans for the poverty-stricken people of Cavite?

        A: To alleviate the suffering particularly among the poor and the under privileged families and communities by providing them nutritious food, generate funds in cash or in kind from local and international agencies in order to carry out and attain the objectives of the foundation. To implement programs and welfare services geared towards the total human development of families and communities. And finally uphold the dreams of my mother, Mrs. Azucena Mortel Bautista, by continuing her social and development project in our province Cavite.

         Q: I understand you have a medical mission on Sunday in Naic Cavite at 9 a.m. at the Naic Town plaza?

         A: Oh, yes. And this is for free, with the support of Gov. Bong Revilla. My Brother strike is also with us to serve the people of Naic and for the sake of our dear Mama Cena. I would like to emphasize here that our beloved father, Senator Ramon Revilla, is always there for us to guide us for whatever good things we do for the people of Cavite.

                (One notices that princess has expressive hands and flourishes them with grace and authority. She does not jab the air like a Kennedy bit is facile in describing arcs and similar movements in the air.)

         Q: You’re still writing poetry

         A: Yes, But I prefer keeping them to myself. Most of them are expressions of my moods and are not really for publication.

                How to explain her thoughts, this mother of three, one who had been a star as early as in the ‘80s, who had her ups and down, and whose personal life has been said to be colorful and stormy?

                She leads o to the door after the interview and her handshake is warm and reassuring. There is tenderness in it, but also a large measure of strength.


Source : Manila Bulletin, Published May 28,2000

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